Finding your way

This is an introduction to the morphologica repository; what’s in each directory and why they are there.

First off, the library is header-only, which means that you don’t need to compile it to include it in your programs. You just #include the relevant headers in your own .cpp files. All the header files that you need to include are in morphologica/morph.

However, there are many test and example programs that can be built, and some standalone_examples to help you to write CMake configurations that will build your program with morphologica.

At the time of writing, if you clone morphologica, change directory into its root and type ls, then you’ll see something like this:

An image of the following listing of directories and files: boundaries docs VisText.vert.glsl build doxygen standalone_examples Visual.frag.glsl buildtools examples tests Visual.vert.glsl cmake_cmd_windows.txt fonts triangles.frag CMakeLists.txt include triangles.vert CMakeSettings.seb.json LICENSE.txt valgrind.supp Default.compute.glsl morph VisText.frag.glsl

The files in the root directory include some markdown/readme files (*.md), some cmake configuration files (CMakeLists.txt, cmake_cmd_windows.txt, CMakeSettings.seb.json), the license file, a valgrind suppression file for debugging and a number of glsl files that probably belong elsewhere.

The sub-directories are:

  • boundaries/ Holds some example .svg drawings of boundaries that morph::ReadCurves can read
  • build/ The build directory. This won’t exist if you just cloned, but you’ll probably create it
  • buildtools/ Holds a tool called incbin which can be used when working on MS Windows
  • docs/ This documentation/reference website is in here and is automatically published on github pages
  • doxygen/ Holds a config file for doxygen code doc generation
  • examples/ All the example programs that demonstrate the use of the headers in morph/
  • fonts/ Holds a copy of the dejavu and ttf-bitstream-vera font files that morphologica builds into your binaries
  • include/ Some third party header code lives in here (GL/GL3, nlohmann for json, rapidxml and a header-version of the vera truetype font for Windows)
  • morph/ All the library headers are in here
  • standalone_examples/ Some examples of standalone projects that have their own CMake build processes. These give you a template to start working with morphologica
  • tests/ This contains test programs that can be run with ctest or make test.


Most of morphologica is in the base namespace morph and their files are at the base of morph/. This is regardless of whether they are code for drawing visualizations or core maths code. Most classes are in a single .h header file with the same name as the class, although there are a few exceptions (such as Random.h, which contains several classes including morph::RandUniform and morph::RandNormal).

Files called XxxVisual.h are classes that derive from morph::VisualModel. This means that they are models that you can incorporate into your morph::Visual scene. For example, TriaxesVisual.h is for drawing a 3D axis into which you can place a 3D scatter or quiver plot. ColourbarVisual.h helps you to draw a colour bar legend to display alongside one of your graphs.

Sub-directories in morph/ are:

  • morph/bn/ Boolean net classes in namespace morph::bn
  • morph/gl/ Morphologica GL code (morph::gl), including code for running GL compute shaders
  • morph/linuxos/ A few utility functions for extracting info from a Linux computer (morph::linuxos)
  • morph/nn/ Neural net classes in namespace morph::nn
  • morph/qt/ Some classes to make it possible to incorporate morphologica OpenGL graphics in Qt programs (morph::qt)
  • morph/wx/ Classes to incorporate morphologica OpenGL graphics in wxWidgets and wxWindows programs (morph::wx)