GraphVisual: 2D graphs

#include <morph/GraphVisual.h>

Table of contents


morph::GraphVisual is a class that draws 2D graphs.

A short example of a program that draws a graph with GraphVisual is (omitting the #include lines for <morph/Visual.h>, <morph/GraphVisual.h> and <morph/vvec.h>):

int main() {
    morph::vvec<double> x = { -7,-6,-5,-4,-3,-2,-1,-0.5, 0, 0.5, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7  }; // data
    morph::Visual v(1024, 768, "Made with morph::GraphVisual"); // Visual scene/window

    // 5 lines of C++ code to create a 2D Graph
    auto gv = std::make_unique<morph::GraphVisual<double>> (morph::vec<float>({0,0,0}));
    v.bindmodel (gv);
    gv->setdata (x, x.pow(3));
    v.addVisualModel (gv);


As usual, we create the VisualModel with a call to std::make_unique<>, and then call the boilerplate bindmodel function to wire up some callbacks.

In this example, there’s just one line setting up the GraphVisual: gv->setdata (x, x.pow(3));. This passes data into the GraphVisual instance. The first argument to setdata copies the values in x to the abscissa (x axis) of the graph and x.pow(3) is copied to the ordinate (y axis).

The GraphVisual is then finalized (creating OpenGL vertices and indices) and added to the Visual scene giving this result:

Screenshot of a default GraphVisual graph of y = x^3

The screenshot shows a graph of the function, which has the default dimensions of 1x1 units in model space. GraphVisual has auto-scaled the data into model units so that it fits inside the axes of the graph and it has automatically determined suitable tick values to show. It has used the default font (VisualFont::DVSans) and font size (0.05) for the axis labels and tick labels. The data markers have the default colour of morph::colour::royalblue and lines of a default thickness (0.03) are drawn between the markers in black.

The rest of this page describes how you can choose different defaults do draw a variety of differently styled graphs.

Setting data

The first example showed only a single dataset in the graph. The call to setdata omitted to specify a dataset index, and because this was the first dataset, its index was set automatically to 0. You can add multiple datasets to a GraphVisual. Each call to setdata will increment the dataset index. We could add a second dataset to the previous example:

    // ...
    gv->setdata (x, x.pow(3), "x cubed");                  // dataset index 0
    gv->setdata (x, 5.0 * x.pow(2), "5 times x squared");  // dataset index 1

    // etc...

The result is shown in the left of these two graphs:

Screenshot of two GraphVisual graphs, each showing two datasets

Notice that we gave a third argument to setdata which defines the dataset’s datalabel. This is automatically displayed in a legend above the graph axes. With the two setdata calls, the GraphVisual now displays two sets of data points, giving the second dataset a new marker shape (‘uptriangle’) and colour. The scaling from the first set of data points is applied to second and subsequent datasets. To illustrate, look at the right hand graph. This also has two datasets, with the second dataset now showing 10x2. Some of the elements of this dataset extend beyond the boundary of the axes and are not drawn. If you are allowing GraphVisual to autoscale the data, remember that it is the first dataset for which the scaling is computed. To work around this, you can manually define the limits of your axes (see Controlling the data limits).

Setting data with a DatasetStyle

Each dataset in a GraphVisual has an associated morph::DatasetStyle. This defines how the dataset should be drawn on the graph. It allows you to choose whether data is represented by markers, lines or both. It lets you set the line width and colour and the marker shape, size and colour.

When you make a call to setdata(x, y) or setdata(x, y, "datalabel"), a default DatasetStyle is created and then the setdata (x, y, DatasetStyle) overload is called. For manual control over the style of your data, simply create a DatasetStyle before you call setdata as in this example:

    morph::DatasetStyle ds; // Equivalent: morph::DatasetStyle ds (morph::stylepolicy::both);
    ds.datalabel = "x cubed";
    ds.markercolour = morph::colour::springgreen3;
    ds.markersize = ds.markersize * 1.5;
    ds.markerstyle = morph::markerstyle::pentagon;
    gv->setdata (x, x.pow(3), ds);

Create a DatasetStyle instance, ds, then change some of its members. Here, we set the datalabel, changed the colour for the markers and increased the marker size. Here’s the resulting graph:

Screenshot of two GraphVisual graphs, each showing two datasets

You can modify the DatasetStyle object and use it for later setdata calls. It need not stay in scope after setdata returns.

You can find DatasetStyle in the header morph/DatasetStyle.h.

The public member attributes of morph::DatasetStyle that you can modify are:

  • morph::stylepolicy stylepolicy Should we plot markers, lines or both? Options are markers, lines, both (coloured markers, black lines) allcolour (coloured markers and lines) or bar (bar graph). The default is both; if you want an alternative, pass it to the DatasetStyle constructor.
  • float linewidth Thickness of lines in model units. Default is 0.007.
  • std::array<float, 3> linecolour The colour of the dataset line. RGB values in range [0,1].
  • float markersize Diameter of the corners of the marker shape. Default is 0.03.
  • float markergap A space between the markers and the lines. Default is 0.03.
  • morph::markerstyle markerstyle The shape of the data markers. square, triangle, hexagon, etc. Options in graphstyles.h.
  • std::array<float, 3> markercolour The colour of the datum markers. RGB values in range [0,1].

Line graph examples

To make a line graph, create a DatasetStyle with stylepolicy::lines passed to the constructor. Set the linewidth and linecolour to your liking:

    // Left hand graph
    morph::DatasetStyle ds(morph::stylepolicy::lines); // initialize for line graphs
    ds.datalabel = "x cubed";
    ds.linewidth = 0.014f;
    gv->setdata (x, x.pow(3), ds); // line will be the default colour of black

    // Right hand graph. Note we re-use ds, simply changing some of its parameters
    ds.datalabel = "5 times x squared";
    ds.linewidth = 0.0035f;
    ds.linecolour = morph::colour::crimson;
    gv2->setdata (x, 5.0 * x.pow(2), ds);

The lines are drawn made up from straight line segments between the data points (any curve fitting is left for the client code to carry out). Screenshot of two GraphVisual graphs, with different line style options

Marker-only graph examples

Create a DatasetStyle with morph::stylepolicy::markers and then change the defaults for markersize, markerstyle and markercolour.

    // Left hand graph
    morph::DatasetStyle ds(morph::stylepolicy::markers); // initialize for markers only
    ds.datalabel = "x cubed";
    ds.markersize = 0.06f;
    ds.markerstyle = morph::markerstyle::diamond;
    ds.markercolour = morph::colour::purple2;
    gv->setdata (x, x.pow(3), ds); // line will be the default colour of black

    // Right hand graph (re-using ds)
    ds.datalabel = "5 times x squared";
    ds.markersize = 0.014f;
    ds.markerstyle = morph::markerstyle::uphexagon;
    ds.markercolour = morph::colour::magenta;
    gv2->setdata (x, 5.0 * x.pow(2), ds);

When you choose morph::stylepolicy::markers, your datasets are plotted with a shaped marker at each datum. The left hand example has purple squares, the right had has magenta hexagons.

Screenshot of two GraphVisual graphs, with different marker style options

Marker plus line graph examples

There are six options for a marker-and-line graph:

    // Left hand graph
    morph::DatasetStyle ds(morph::stylepolicy::both); // equivalent to: morph::DatasetStyle ds;
    ds.datalabel = "x cubed";
    ds.linewidth = 0.0035f;
    ds.linecolour = morph::colour::purple2;
    ds.markersize = 0.06f;
    ds.markerstyle = morph::markerstyle::diamond;
    ds.markercolour = morph::colour::magenta;
    ds.markergap = 0.04;
    gv->setdata (x, x.pow(3), ds);

    // Right hand graph (re-using ds)
    ds.datalabel = "5 times x squared";
    ds.linewidth = 0.012f;
    ds.linecolour = morph::colour::navy;
    ds.markersize = 0.014f;
    ds.markerstyle = morph::markerstyle::uphexagon;
    ds.markercolour = morph::colour::dodgerblue;
    ds.markergap = 0.02;
    gv2->setdata (x, 5.0 * x.pow(2), ds);

Screenshot of two GraphVisual graphs, with different line and marker style options

Data annotation lines

In general, GraphVisual is intended only to display your data and not to compute any additional statistics. However, there is one statistical computation which is helpful enough to be integrated into the class. This is the determination of locations where your graphed data cross a particular value for x or y, so that vertical and horizontal annotation lines can be drawn on the graph.

After calling setdata, it is possible to annotate your graph with GraphVisual::add_y_crossing_lines (for adding lines where the data crosses a y value) and the similarly named GraphVisual::add_x_crossing_lines to annotate data crossing an x value.

The example graph_line.cpp has well annotated code that shows how to use these functions. The simplest code is:

    // A style for the dataset
    morph::DatasetStyle ds (morph::stylepolicy::lines);
    ds.linecolour = morph::colour::crimson;

    gv->setdata (x, y, ds); // Set the data in our GraphVisual, gv

    // Find, and annotate with vertical lines, the locations where the graph crosses
    // y=7. The x values of the crossing points are returned.
    morph::vvec<double> xcross = gv->add_y_crossing_lines (x, y, 7.0, ds);

Note that we call add_y_crossing_lines using the same data (x and y) and the same DatasetStyle as we used in the call to setdata. add_y_crossing_lines will extract a colour from the DatasetStyle for the annotation lines and make their width a proportion of the original linewidth. Only vertical lines that indicate the x crossing locations will be drawn by this overload of add_y_crossing_lines.

add_y_crossing_lines returns a vvec containing the crossing locations. This may be empty or contain any number of crossings. Crossing points are determined by linear interpolation between the two nearest data points, unless the crossing point is exactly on a datum.

Here’s the result:

Screenshot of GraphVisual graph, with annotation lines

To additionally draw a horizontal line indicating the value 7, you can add a second DatasetStyle to your call to add_y_crossing_lines. The following example also shows how to create a text label from the returned crossings.

    morph::DatasetStyle ds (morph::stylepolicy::lines);
    ds.linecolour = morph::colour::crimson;
    gv->setdata (x, y, ds); // Set the data in our GraphVisual, gv

    // A second DatasetStyle is used to specify a colour and linewidth for a horizontal line at y=7.
    morph::DatasetStyle ds_horz (morph::stylepolicy::lines);
    ds_horz.linecolour = morph::colour::grey68;
    ds_horz.linewidth = ds.linewidth * 0.6f;

    // Annotate, including a horizontal line
    morph::vvec<double> xcross = gv->add_y_crossing_lines (x, y, 7, ds, ds_horz);

    // Use results in xcross to build a label
    size_t n = xcross.size();
    std::stringstream ss;
    if (n > 0) {
        for (size_t i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
            ss << std::format ("{}{}{:.2f}", ((i == 0 || i == n - 1) ? "" : ", "), (i == (n - 1) ? " and " : ""), xcross[i]);
    } else {
        ss << "[no values]";
    gv->addLabel (std::format("y=7 at x = {:s}", ss.str()), { 0.05f, 0.05f, 0.0f }, morph::TextFeatures(0.03f));

With the additional annotation line and text label, the graph looks like this:

Screenshot of GraphVisual graph, with more annotation lines

To draw annotation lines where the data cross at particular x values, use GraphVisual::add_x_crossing_lines in a similar way (graph_line_xcross.cpp is the example code).

Unicode for special characters

You can incorporate unicode characters into your DatasetStyle datalabels and axis labels. Use morph::unicode::toUtf8() to generate a UTF-8 string, as documented in Unicode text handling. Any of the string attributes that you can set can be passed a string containing UTF-8 character codes. For example:

    using uc = morph::unicode; // I usually shorten morph::unicode for readable code
    ds.datalabel = "x cubed is usually written as x" + uc::toUtf8 (uc::ss3); // ss3: superscript 3
    gv->setdata (x, x.pow(3), ds);

Screenshot of a GraphVisual graphs with a unicode datalabel Most of the codes are intuitively named; unicode::alpha, unicode::beta, unicode::gamma and so on. Consult the unicode header file unicode.h for the full list.

Appending or updating data

If you need to change all the data points in a graph, you’ll want to use the update function.

Prepping a dataset

Your program may need to start with a graph that has an empty dataset and add to it with the append method. In this case, you must first prepare the graphs with as many datasets as you will use.

The axes

You can choose from a few different axis styles. The default style is morph::axisstyle::box, as shown in the previous examples. This draws a box around the graph, with ticks drawn on the x and y axes only. Other options include axisstyle::boxfullticks, axisstyle::L and axisstyle::cross. Examples of these look like this: Screenshot of four graphs with different axis styles

The code to setup the top left graph starts like this:

    auto gv = std::make_unique<morph::GraphVisual<float>>(morph::vec<float>({0,0,0}));
    v.bindmodel (gv);
    gv->axisstyle = morph::axisstyle::L; // That's all you have to do
    // of the setup

If you want to change the axis ticks then it’s this:

    gv->axisstyle = morph::axisstyle::L;
    gv->tickstyle = morph::tickstyle::ticksin; // tickstyle::ticksout is the default
    // of the setup

You can alter the colour of the axes by changing axiscolour…

    gv->axisstyle = morph::axisstyle::L;
    gv->tickstyle = morph::tickstyle::ticksin;
    gv->axiscolour = morph::colour::cobalt;
    // of the setup

… and the axes line thickness with gv->axislinewidth:

    gv->axisstyle = morph::axisstyle::L;
    gv->tickstyle = morph::tickstyle::ticksin;
    gv->axiscolour = morph::colour::cobalt;
    gv->axislinewidth = 0.013f;
    // of the setup

Here are the four graphs again with thicker, coloured axes: Screenshot of four graphs with coloured axes Note that the axis colour is applied to the axis box/cross/L, the axis ticks, axis tick labels and axis labels.

Controlling the size of the axes

Controlling the data limits

The fonts

The axis ticks

Axis labels

Special graph types

Bar graph


Quiver plots