#include <morph/histo.h>
Header file: morph/histo.h.
Table of Contents
is a simple histogram class. You pass in a container of data values and the number of bins you want to sort it into.
takes two template arguments:
namespace morph {
template <typename H=float, typename T=float>
struct histo
is the type of the data that will be sorted. This could be any numeric type (int
, float
, double
, etc). The second, T
, is the floating point type for bin locations, bin edges, proportions and the bin width.
You simply construct a histo
object, passing in a const reference to your data, along with the number of bins you want to place it into. Once constructed, you access histo member attributes for the results. Here’s an example:
#include <morph/histo.h>
int main()
morph::vvec<int> numbers = { 1, 1, 2, 3, 4, 4, 4 };
morph::histo<int, float> h(numbers, 3);
std::cout << "For data: " << numbers << " arranged into three bins:\n\n";
// Data range in terms of first histo template param type:
morph::range<int> _datarange = h.datarange;
std::cout << "data range is: " << _datarange << std::endl;
// Counts use the std::size_t type:
std::size_t _datacount = h.datacount;
std::cout << "data count is: " << _datacount << std::endl;
// proportions, bin edges, bins, bin width are of type float:
float _binwidth = h.binwidth;
std::cout << "bin width is: " << _binwidth << std::endl;
morph::vvec<float> _bins = h.bins;
std::cout << "bin centres are: " << _bins << std::endl;
morph::vvec<float> _binedges = h.binedges;
std::cout << "bin edges are: " << _binedges << std::endl;
morph::vvec<std::size_t> _counts = h.counts;
std::cout << "Counts are: " << _counts << std::endl;
morph::vvec<float> _proportions = h.proportions;
std::cout << "Proportions are: " << _proportions << std::endl;
The output of this program is:
For data: (1,1,2,3,4,4,4) arranged into three bins:
data range is: [1, 4]
data count is: 7
bin width is: 1
bin centres are: (1.5,2.5,3.5)
bin edges are: (1,2,3,4)
Counts are: (2,1,4)
Proportions are: (0.285714298,0.142857149,0.571428597)
Accessing statistics
The histogram statistics are available as:
of the bin centreshisto::binedges
of the bin edgeshisto::counts
of bin countshisto::proportions
of the counts as proportions
You can also obtain the proportion of counts above or below a position x
on the bin axis using histo::proportion_below(const T& x)
. Using the same example numbers:
#include <morph/histo.h>
int main()
morph::vvec<int> numbers = { 1, 1, 2, 3, 4, 4, 4 };
morph::histo<int, float> h(numbers, 3);
std::cout << "The proportion of " << numbers << " falling below 2.5 is: "
<< h.proportion_below (2.5f) << std::endl;
The proportion of (1,1,2,3,4,4,4) falling below 2.5 is: 0.357143
The function histo::proportion_above(const T& x)
returns the proportion above x (it returns 1 - proportion_below(x)).
Histogram graphs
You can graph your histograms with morph::GraphVisual
. See any of the examples graph_histo.cpp, randvec.cpp or bootstrap.cpp.
Very briefly:
// includes: vvec.h, histo.h, Visual.h, GraphVisual.h
int main()
morph::vvec<int> numbers = { 1, 1, 2, 3, 4, 4, 4 };
morph::histo<int, float> h(numbers, 3);
morph::Visual v(1024, 768, "Histogram");
// Create a new GraphVisual with offset within the scene of 0,0,0. Note the type for
// the GraphVisual has to match the *second* template type for the histo.
auto gv = std::make_unique<morph::GraphVisual<float>> (morph::vec<float>{0,0,0});
v.bindmodel (gv);
// Here we simply pass in our morph::histo object, h, as the data to graph
gv->setdata (h);
gv->xlabel = "Bin";
gv->ylabel = "Proportion";
v.addVisualModel (gv);