Building your code with morphologica

This page will walk you through the process of setting up a new project to build morphologica code so that you can try the example code in the tutorials.

Because morphologica is header-only, it’s very easy to work with. All you have to do is make sure your compiler knows where to find morphologica files, set a few flags in the compiler and link to a few essential libraries. The best way to coordinate all this is to use CMake from kitware, a widely used build management system.


First, ensure you have the necessary dependencies installed. Classes in morphologica use Armadillo, OpenGL, Freetype, glfw3, nlohmann-json and HDF5. You won’t necessarily need all of these; it depends on which classes you will use (see here for details). For visualisation, you only need OpenGL, Freetype, nlohmann-json and glfw3. Platform-specific instructions can be found in the files, and

Three necessities to build

Regardless of which build process you use (plain makefiles, autotools, CMake or whatever), to build a program against morphologica, you need to tell it: 1) What compiler flags to add to the compiler command line, including a directive to say where the fonts that morphologica will compile into your binaries (if you’re using morph::Visual) are located. 2) Where the morphologica headers are to be found. 3) which libraries to link to.

While you can install morphologica headers (and fonts) into a chosen location (/usr/local by default) we recommend that you just clone a copy of the morphologica repository into the base of your own source tree.

Building with CMake

If you’re using cmake, then this is what you add to your client code’s CMakeLists.txt:

1) Compiler flags

This piece of boiler-plate cmake will get you started with a sensible set of compiler flags for morphologica:

# morphologica uses c++-20 language features

if (APPLE)
  set(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS "-g -O3 -Wall -Wfatal-errors -DGL_SILENCE_DEPRECATION")
elseif (WIN32)
  set(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS "-DNOMINMAX /EHsc /Zc:__cplusplus")
  # This assumes a gcc compiler (or a gcc mimic like Clang)
  set(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS "-g -O3 -Wall -Wextra -Wpedantic -pedantic-errors -Werror -Wfatal-errors -Wno-psabi -Wno-unknown-pragmas")

# Add OpenMP flags here, if necessary

# Tell the program where the morph fonts are, to compile them into the binary
set(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS "${CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS} -DMORPH_FONTS_DIR=\"\\\"${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/morphologica/fonts\\\"\"")

The last flag (MORPH_FONTS_DIR) helps your compiler to copy in the fonts that morph::Visual needs. If you are working with and ‘installed’ morphologica change this to:

# Tell the program where the morph fonts are. Again, assuming you installed morphologica in /usr/local:
set(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS "${CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS} -DMORPH_FONTS_DIR=\"\\\"/usr/local/share/fonts\\\"\"")

2) Include directories for headers

# Find the libraries which will be needed
find_package(HDF5 REQUIRED)        # Only required if you used morph::HdfData
find_package(Armadillo REQUIRED)   # Only required if you use the Bezier curve classes or HexGrid/CartGrid
set(OpenGL_GL_PREFERENCE "GLVND")  # Write this line before find_package(OpenGL...
find_package(OpenGL REQUIRED)      # This, glfw3 and Freetype are required for morph::Visual
find_package(glfw3 3.3 REQUIRED)
find_package(Freetype REQUIRED)
find_package(nlohmann_json REQUIRED)

# Define collections of includes for the dependencies
include_directories(${MORPH_INC_CORE} ${MORPH_INC_GL})

# MORPH_INCLUDE_PATH is set to the location at which the header directory 'morph' is found. For 'Installed morpholoigca':
set(MORPH_INCLUDE_PATH /usr/local CACHE PATH "The path to the morphologica headers (e.g. /usr/local/include or \$HOME/usr/include)")
include_directories(BEFORE ${MORPH_INCLUDE_PATH}/include)       # Allows morph/Header.h to be found

If you are working with in-tree morphologica, then replace the last section with:

# Assuming that you installed morphologica in-tree (i.e. 'next to' schnakenberg.cpp).
set(MORPH_INCLUDE_PATH "${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/morphologica" CACHE PATH "The path to morphologica")
include_directories(BEFORE ${MORPH_INCLUDE_PATH}/include) # Allows GL3/gl3.h to be found
include_directories(BEFORE ${MORPH_INCLUDE_PATH})         # Allows morph/Header.h to be found

Morphologica makes use of a number of libraries. Depending on which classes you use from morphologica, you’ll need to link to some or all of these:

set(MORPH_LIBS_GL OpenGL::GL Freetype::Freetype glfw)
target_link_libraries(myprogtarget ${MORPH_LIBS_CORE} ${MORPH_LIBS_GL})

Example build files

You can find a complete example project called morphologica_template. This has a CMakeLists.txt file that you can copy and work from, along with a single example program (the graph again).

Additionally, each of the examples in morphologica/standalone_examples has a CMakeLists.txt, written as if each example was a standalone project in its own right.

The best example CMakeLists.txt file is the one in standalone_examples/schnakenberg, because it uses a broad range of morphologica’s features.

In standalone_examples/schnakenberg, the default cmake build file, CMakeLists.txt assumes you did a ‘morphologica install’ into /usr/local, whereas CMakeLists_intree.txt will (if renamed to CMakeLists.txt) build the code assuming that you placed a copy of the morphologica source tree inside standalone_examples/schnakenberg.