#include <morph/scale.h>
Header file: morph/scale.h. Test code: tests/testScale tests/testScaleVector
Table of Contents
In any computer visualization system, you’ll soon need a way to scale numbers. If you’re graphing a data set, you’ll need to scale the values, whose range may be from 0 to 106, so that they fit into a graph in your 3D environment whose height is 1. Likewise, all the colour maps in morphologica take input in the range [0,1] and if you want to make a quiver plot, you’re likely to need to scale the length of the vectors you’re going to render.
Scaling values is not inherently complex, but to create a class which can linearly or logarithmically scale both scalar and vector values is not trivial either! morph::scale
handles all these cases and is an important part of morphologica which you may find useful in your own code as well.
The templated class morph::scale
derives from morph::scale_impl
namespace morph {
template <typename T, typename S=T>
struct scale : public scale_impl<number_type<T>::value, T, S> {};
Template param T
is the type of the numbers or vectors that will be scaled. Param S
is the type of the output numbers (or for vectors, their elements).
A suitable implementation of scale_impl
is chosen at compile time, depending on whether the type T
is a scalar such as float
, double
or int
or an array or vector type such as morph::vec<double, 3>
. number_type
is a trait testing class that determines which implementation to compile. The scale_impl
base class defines the API for morph::scale
In future, other scaling implementations could be introduced for other mathematical objects.
and friends make use of an enumerated scale function class:
namespace morph {
enum class scaling_function { Linear, Logarithmic };
At present only these two scaling functions are supported, but this could be extended if needed.
Transforming data
If you have a morph::scale
object that is parameterized, then you can scale individual values or collections of values.
morph::scale<float> s;
std::vector<float> input (10, 0.0f);
std::vector<float> output (10, 0.0f);
// snip code to find scaling parameters and initialise input
s.transform (input, output); // Applies scaling to all values in the input container
float transformed = s.transform_one (2.0f); // Transforms a single value using the scaling
Inverse transform
You can also apply the inverse scaling to individual values:
float inverse_transformed = s.inverse_one (10.0f);
and you can inverse-transform whole containers of data as in this example:
morph::scale<double> s;
s.do_autoscale = true;
morph::vvec<double> input = { 10, 20, 30, 40 };
morph::vvec<double> output (input.size());
morph::vvec<double> inputcpy (input.size());
s.transform (input, output); // one way...
s.inverse (output, inputcpy); // ...and back
std::cout << input << " transforms to " << output << " and inverses to " << inputcpy << std::endl;
(10,20,30,40) transforms to (0,0.33333333333333331,0.66666666666666674,1) and inverses to (10,20,30,40)
Automatically finding the scaling parameters
Perhaps the most common use of morph::scale
is to linearly scale a collection of data values so that they have the range [0,1]. This means that the two parameters of the linear model y = mx + c must be found and used to transform the dataset. I’ve called this ‘autoscaling from the data’. Here’s the simplest example:
morph::scale<float> s; // A linear scaling from float values to float values
s.do_autoscale = true; // Tell the scale object we will need to autoscale
morph::vvec<float> vf = {1,2,3,4,5,8,9,18}; // Input data. std::vector<> would be fine too
morph::vvec<float> result(vf); // Output/transformed data
s.transform (vf, result); // transform() will first determine parameters then apply
The scale
class is linear by default, and its default output_range
is [0,1]. It does not autoscale by default, so this has been explicitly set. Its output type defaults to being the same as the input type, so the declaration above is equivalent to morph::scale<float, float>
If your input data are integer values, but your scaled values would be more appropriate in a floating point type, then adjust your choice of morph::scale
template parameters:
morph::scale<int, float> s; // int inputs scaled to float outputs
s.do_autoscale = true;
morph::vvec<int> vi = {1,2,3,4,5,8,9,18}; // Input data in int type
// The rest is the same:
morph::vvec<float> result(vi.size()); // Output/transformed data in float type
s.transform (vi, result);
You can autoscale from a data set, finding the scaling parameters, without also transforming the data with compute_scaling_from_data
morph::scale<int, float> s;
s.do_autoscale = true;
morph::vvec<int> vi = {1,2,3,4,5,8,9,18};
s.compute_scaling_from_data (vi); // s.transform (anydata) can now be called
Note that subsequent calls to transform
will use the scaling parameters obtained from the first call! If you want to autoscale each new data set, then you have to reset do_autoscale
back to true with reset
morph::scale<int, float> s;
s.do_autoscale = true;
morph::vvec<int> vi = {1,2,3,4,5,8,9,18}; // A first data set
morph::vvec<int> vi2 = {10,20,30,40,50,80,90,180}; // A second data set
morph::vvec<float> result(vi);
s.transform (vi, result); // Autoscales first data set to range [0,1]
s.reset(); // Reset so that autoscaling will be re-computed
s.transform (vi2, result); // Autoscales second data set
Changing the output range
You may not always wish to scale your input data to the range [0,1]. To modify this, set the output_range
for the scale object, which is an object of type morph::range<S>
if S
is a scalar type and of type morph::range<S_el>
if S
is a vector type. S_el
is defined in scale.h to be the element type of S
. To configure the range
object, set its min
and max
morph::scale<int, float> s;
s.output_range.min = 1.0f;
s.output_range.max = 2.0f;
s.do_autoscale = true; // transform() will scale output to range [1,2] by calling compute_scaling_from_data()
or set it with brace initializers:
morph::scale<int, float> s;
s.output_range = { 1.0f, 2.0f };
Manually setting the scaling parameters
The scaling parameters are stored in a member morph::vvec
object called params
. Both linear and logarithmic scaling functions require two parameters. You can set the params with
void setParams (S p0, S p1);
For a linear scaling, param 0 is gradient (or ‘m’) and param 1 is offset (or ‘c’). Note that the type of the params is the output type, S
There are corresponding getters for the params (these are from the scalar scale implementation):
S getParams (size_t idx) { return this->params[idx]; }
morph::vvec<S> getParams() { return this->params; }
It is the scaling parameters that determine if the morph::scale
object is ready()
(returns true if params size is > 1) and reset()
simply calls clear()
on scale::params
You can only set the params if you already know the gradient and offset for your scaling. If you only know the expected range of input values for your scaling, you can use these to compute the scaling for the output range:
// Set up linear scaling so that numbers in range [-10, 10] get scaled to [0,5]
morph::scale<int, float> s;
s.output_range = { 0.0f, 5.0f };
s.compute_scaling (-10, 10);
You can also pass the input range to scale<>::compute_scaling
and set the output_range
with explicit morph::range<>
morph::scale<int, float> s;
s.output_range = morph::range<float>{0, 5};
s.compute_scaling (morph::range<int>{-10, 10});
You can trigger the computation of the scaling function if you have a container of data by using compute_scaling_from_data
, which is the function that is automatically called by transform
when do_autoscale
is true
morph::scale<int, float> s;
std::vector<int> input_data = { 1, 2, 3, 6, 100 };
s.compute_scaling_from_data (input_data);
Identity scaling
If you need your scale
object to perform the identity scaling, set its parameters with
morph::scale<double> sid;
std::cout << 2.0 << " = " << sid.transform_one (2.0) << std::endl; // "2.0 = 2.0"
Null scaling
If you need your scale
object to always output 0, you can set it to ‘null scaling’.
morph::scale<double> sid;
std::cout << 2.0 << " null-scales to " << sid.transform_one (2.0) << std::endl; // "2.0 null-scales to 0.0"
is equivalent to calling scale::setParams (0, 0)
Logarithmic scaling
Set logarithmic scaling by calling setlog
morph::scale<double, float> ls;
ls.do_autoscale = true;
morph::vvec<double> input = {0.01, 0.1, 1.0, 10.0};
morph::vvec<float> output (input.size(), 0.0f);
if (input.has_zero()) {
std::cout << "Warning: you can't log scale input containing zeros...\n";
// To workaround, replace zeros in the input with NaNs (these will still be NaN after scaling)
input.search_replace (0.0, std::numeric_limits<double>::quiet_NaN());
try {
ls.transform (input, output);
} catch (const std::exception& e) {
// Common reason for exception is that input contains zeros
std::cout << "Caught error: " << e.what() << std::endl;
Vector scaling
The vector implementation of morph::scale
will scale the lengths of vectors, preserving their direction. This is exactly what you want if you are rendering quiver plots.
The API is essentially the same, except for the fact that the output_range (which is a range of vector lengths) has the type of the vector elements.
morph::scale< morph::vec<float,4> > vec_scale;
vec_scale.do_autoscale = true; // Vector lengths will be scaled to the range [0,1]
// If you set the output_range, use the type of the vec *elements*
// vec_scale.output_range.min = 1.0f; // float, not vec<float,4>
// vec_scale.output_range.max = 2.0f;
// or
// vec_scale.output_range = { 1.0f, 2.0f };
std::deque<morph::vec<float,4>> vec_input; // An input container
vec_input.push_back ({1,1,2,1});
vec_input.push_back ({2,2,2,3});
vec_input.push_back ({3,3,4,1});
vec_input.push_back ({4,4,4,4});
std::deque<morph::vec<float,4>> scaled_vectors (vec_input.size()); // Output container
// Perform autoscale and then tranformation:
vec_scale.transform (vec_input, scaled_vectors);