#include <morph/VisualCommon.h>

This header contains a couple of structs used across the Visual and VisualModel classes. These are enclosed within a morph::visgl namespace to indicate that they are related to OpenGL graphics and related to morph::Visual.

Shader program struct: visgl::visual_shaderprogs

struct visual_shaderprogs
    //! An OpenGL shader program for graphical objects
    unsigned int /*GLuint*/ gprog = 0;
    //! A text shader program, which uses textures to draw text on quads.
    unsigned int /*GLuint*/ tprog = 0;

This is a tiny struct that contains the 32 bit unsigned integers that are used in OpenGL to identify your shader programs. Currently, morph::Visual needs to retain two shader programs; one for shading your VisualModels and one for shading your text.

morph::Visual has a member of type visual_shaderprogs and this must be made available to each VisualModel before it can execute its render() method.

Enumerated class: visgl::graphics_shader_type

enum class graphics_shader_type
    none,         // Unset/unknown graphics shader type
    projection2d, // both orthographic and perspective projections to a 2D surface
    cylindrical,  // A cylindrical projection
    spherical     // not implemented, but we could have a spherical projection

An enumerated class to refer to different shader types. This is actually used only in morph::Visual to distinguish between orthographic/projection shaders (which can use a common shader) and cylindrical or other shaders, which likely require a different GLSL shader program.

Enum: visgl::AttribLocn

//! The locations for the position, normal and colour vertex attributes in the
//! morph::Visual GLSL programs
enum AttribLocn { posnLoc = 0, normLoc = 1, colLoc = 2, textureLoc = 3 };

An enumerated type used in the set up of OpenGL vertex buffer objects. Used in morph::VisualTextModel and morph::VisualModel.

Glyph information struct: visgl::CharInfo

struct CharInfo
    //! ID handle of the glyph texture
    unsigned int textureID;
    //! Size of glyph
    morph::vec<int,2>  size;
    //! Offset from baseline to left/top of glyph
    morph::vec<int,2>  bearing;
    //! Offset to advance to next glyph
    unsigned int advance;

A struct that contains font glyph properties which are loaded with the Freetype library (in morph::VisualFace). The properties are then accessed when text is to be rendered in morph::VisualTextModel.