#include <morph/range.h>

Header file: morph/range.h.

morph::range is a useful little class for specifying a mathematical closed interval. It simply contains two numbers indicating the minimum and maximum of the interval.

It is used as a return object for the vec::range and vvec::range methods and gives semantic meaning to the two values min and max, which are public and accessible directly by client code (if a 2 element array were used for a range, the client coder would have to remember if element 0 was min or max).

The range object can participate in the process of determining the range of values in a data container and it can test for a value being within the interval.

morph::range takes one template argument, specifying the type of the values.

namespace morph {
    template <typename T>
    struct range


morph::range<T> r;                  // Default range has min == max == T{0}
morph::range<float> r(0.0f, 10.0f); // Construct with a defined range

Update the range to include a value

morph::range<int> r; // range initially 0 to 0
r.update (100);      // range now 0 to 100
r.update (-100);     // range now -100 to 100

Test a value to see if the range includes this value

r.includes (45);     // would return bool true, following on from previous example
r.includes (-450);   // would return bool false

To query the max or min of the range, just access the max or min members:

std::cout << "range maximum is " << r.max << " and its minimum is " << r.min << std::endl;

You can stream the range to get both at once:

std::cout << r << std::endl;

This would output [-100,100] in our example.

Determine a range from data. Here, we initialize a range with min taking the maximum possible value for the type and max taking the minimum possible value. This is done with a call to range::search_init. We then run through the data container, calling update for each element. For example:

morph::vvec<double> data;
range<double> r;
for (auto d : data) { r.update (d); }
std::cout << "The range of values in data was: " << r << std::endl;